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We understand that you need the best quality Lifts, CCTV, Intercoms, Electric Fence, and conferencing systems in Kenya.
At ZM Engineering, we listen to your needs and apply our proficiency to customize the best solution. Our installation process is professional and we provide meticulous repair and maintenance.
Our work precedes us and we are particularly proud that we have services clients who are very satisfied and that is what you expect from us.
Focus on the challenges and pressures of customers’ Provide competitive solutions, products and services Continue to create the maximum value for customers
Make life safer and more comfortable.
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This directory being 100% human edited means that all the businesses listed here have been checked and verified by the directory team as content rich and with relevant information ensuring you get the best from your searches.
Mon-Fri: 0830hrs - 1700hrs
6th Floor, Suite No. 1,
5th Avenue Office Suites,
5th Avenue Ngong Rd,
Ngong Rd, Nairobi - Kenya
P. O. Box 14348 - 00100 Nairobi, KE
ZM Engineering Limited
Private Registered Company